As you can see on the other pages, I am interested in Delphi and Linux.
So immediately after Borland released Kylix Open Edition I started working on porting my Delphi programs to Kylix. I found out that it was very easy to port my Delphi 1 programs (It took me about 10 minutes to get them going on Kylix).
What I discovered very soon when trying to port my Delphi 5 programs was the lack of the Chart component. So I started programming a replacement for it.
The result was the PlotPanel component
You can download this component (version 0.4) from this side
Download kylixplotpanel.tgz
Version 0.5 is the same as 0.4, but slightly modified so the component can also be used on Delphi 5 and 6
You can download an updated version (for Delphi) of this component but it is not suited for Kylix anymore.
You can convert the code to Kylix of course, but you are on your own for that.
Using Lazarus and the Lazarus version of PlotPanel is a better choice.
I have converted some programs from Delphi to Kylix. You have to compile the programs yourself. All source code is free under terms of the GPL
See a description of these programs elsewhere on this site
Download kylixfm.tgz
Download kylixlucas.tgz
I did hope to release other programs for Kylix, but it seems Borland doesn't support Kylix any more.
I will not convert other Delphi programs to Kylix.
I think Lazarus is a better choice.
You can use this software under the terms of the GPL.